
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Television producer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Television producer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" I keep seeing so friggin' many producer credits in some shows... this provides a reasonable answer. I wondered because elsewhere that anybody that gave >/= $1 for some short film would be listed as a producer so I was thinking on TV shows who are these nobodies giving up their dough to make a show. Not the same for television as movies.

Friday, October 08, 2010

cut me off at the knees and call me tripod... 

cut me off at the knees and call me tripod...: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Share this with your GaGa loving friends. I personally prefer the version without Colby Odonis. I think he ruined it. Sadly the single I have has him in it. Also Bad Romance Chu Fu H1N1 remix is good. cut some off the ends and its better.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

LouBrutus.com :: Radio's Last Hope 

LouBrutus.com :: Radio's Last Hope: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" If you use Twitter follow Lou and he'll follow you.


PATAK MEAT PRODUCTS: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Unless you have a specialty meat store nearby 130 miles isn't too far to drive for this place. Open one Saturday a month for those that are busy during the week. They may be open two Saturdays in December.

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