
Thursday, August 28, 2003

MyQuicknet A friend sent me this link earlier. It was at the top of my list tonight. There is a news article but I've not got the link handy.

Two things I'm not gonna link to tonight. Gas prices should start falling since the blackout was two weeks ago. They are almost at an all time high and may be next week. Also the RIAA has released some of its methodology in tracking music sharers. Now I don't know but apparently when you rip a song into an mp3 some kind of data as to where it was done (perhaps a local name or MAC address) is included in the file or the ones from Napster did something. They claim to know of songs from Napster still being shared.

A link to last night's MIT stuff Honestly I don't know if I posted the link to the article but here's what it was talking about.

I say Canadians have a strange way of life. Quit yer smiling

I just like the title of this one.The coding monkeys I just hope they aren't on crack like some.

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