
Saturday, August 23, 2003

Recall Poll

Personally I'd buy a regular crunchy beef taco. I like the new chicken cesar though I've only had one. I used to be a chicken soft type. As far as who i'd vote for : none I don't live in California

Just read some of this. Why pay so much for a poor product is the conclusion I've been coming to about some recent Microsoft products esp. XP. After Blaster and where it intended to hit I'd hope that M$ implements a new quality program.
An article I read part of

See title Thai man dies while laughing in sleep

Big Brother wants to watch the homeless

Can we get a view counter?

Can we get meta tags or something? I'm gonna have to pull out my HTML for Dummies to see if I can make a good change to the template so the various sites that scour the internet may find my corner of insanity.

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