
Saturday, September 13, 2003

The Philadelphia Daily News - The People Paper Ooh conspiracy theorists unit. I have a link to Sep 11 related article on the right. 3 questions into this and loving it. A must read.

After watching a recent discovery show apparently its all blamed on the floor trusses. The massive impact caused some powder to fall making them vulnerable to heat.

As an update to my last post (or an edit since this should be below) be it noted that in question 6 Andrews AFB is non a fighter base.

An interesting note in question 8. "but the government had never put out an official story." - in regards to flight 93

The last part of question 12 is the keypoints in the other article i have a constant link to.

There is an article linked to from this one I'm going to read.

I intend to check this out Interesting Day

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