
Monday, September 22, 2003

Well went to work a little early to see how the traffic was. Not too bad. I got there about 25 minutes early. Well... nobody there. Sit in vehicle for awhile. 5 til... nope. I stand around a bit ... eventually my co-worker shows up. Apparently mondays are a late start for those with the keys but we still get paid to do absolutely nothing until we can get in. Enough about work. I got a few scope meters done my first day.

Geez this costly new computer chair is a pain. Dad if you read this tonight send me an e-mail if any of mine make it through.

I get home and check my e-mail and I've got some returns, a worm of course, and somebody I sent my resume to almost a month ago now wants to talk. Nice when somebody wants to talk they all do but after you've already started a job. I still want to talk to everybody cause the market is tight.

Maintenance came by and fixed my lamp, storage closet access ( last person had dogs from the looks), and gave me a towel rack behind the bathroom door (I had to ask :-]). Now I can have a little space around the sink.

I'm opening up the electric skillet while I watch SG-1 monday on SCI-FI so I can make Hamburger Helper in a bit. I'll post a follow up in a few more minutes with the info I was trying to get to some family. My miles per gallon info isn't that special that I don't mind sharing it. Since I don't know how to do a HTML table a copy and paste will have to do.

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