
Saturday, October 11, 2003

Okay as I promised MOBOT photos are coming. Tonight I went back to Ozzie's and had some toasted ravioli and Italian grilled chicken. It appears tonight was the freshman homecoming. My waitress had a party of 16 and a few more parties came in. Also they had a Neb/Miz game on and a few of the young girls were being quite rude by yelling for the opposing team of the majority of viewers clearly wearing team clothes/colors. They should consider themselves lucky that somebody doesn't get totally drunk (it is a bar afterall) and say or do some rude things back. Anyhow on to the pics.

I hope this goofy thing doesn't insert a huge gap again.

Moorish Garden

Orchid on a tree

Tree dwelling Orchids called "epiphytes"

Some small Lilys. There is another pond at the other end with tropical lilys.
They must have been 3 feet across

This little tree looked soo cool. Like bonzai. I asked about bonzai on my way out
so I'm guessing its the pictures yet to come since they said they had alot of big ones

The tree in the middle grows chocolate and to the right is a cashew plant.
Not sure why they had gum there too.

A very beautiful little island.


more Koi. The yellow ones looked pertay(pretty for you northerners)

A waterfall and some very nice changing leaves.

The garden maze. When I grow up and rich I want one of these but bigger.

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